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"A conjurer of literary magic" --"The New York Times" Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of the most widely translated and beloved writers of his time, and yet, as this revelatory book shows, there were many sides of him that English-language readers do not know. This volume includes the first-ever English translation of Garcia Marquez's final conversation with Spanish journalist Xavi Ayen, along with other rare and never-before-translated interviews from throughout his long career. Garcia Marquez discusses his extraordinarily varied literary work and his often controversial politics, and what emerges is a richer, deeper, more intimate portrait of this great writer than we've encountered before., An intimate and lively collection of interviews with a giant of twentieth century literature--the only collection of interviews with Marquez available Hailed by the "New York Times" as a "conjurer of literary magic," Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez is known to millions of readers worldwide as the author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude. "Beloved by readers of nearly all ages, he is surely the most popular literary novelist in translation--and he remains so today, a decade after the publication of his final novel. In addition to the first-ever English translation of Marquez's last interview, this unprecedented volume includes his first interview, conducted while he was in the throes of writing "One Hundred Years of Solitude, " which reveals the young writer years before the extraordinary onslaught of success that would make him a household name around the world. Also featured is a series of unusually wide-ranging conversations with Marquez's friend Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza--surely the only interview with Marquez that includes the writer's insights into both the meaning of true love and the validity of superstitions. "Gabriel Garcia Marquez: The Last Interview "also contains two interviews with Pulitzer Prize-winning "New York Times" reporter David Streitfeld. A wide-ranging and revealing book, "Gabriel Garcia Marquez: The Last Interview "is an essential book for lifelong fans of Marquez--and readers who are just getting encountering the master's work for the first time., From his very first interview, which gives unique insight into the origins of One Hundred Years of Solitude, to his last, Gabriel García Márquez discusses his extraordinarily varied literary work and his often controversial politics-as well as lighter topics such as superstitions, fame, and kitsch-in these rare, revealing, and, in many cases, never-before-translated conversations. An intimate portrait of one of the world's most beloved writers. Book jacket., Nobel Prize winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of the most widely translated writers of his time, and yet there were many sides of him that English-language readers do not know. This volume includes the first-ever English translation of Marquez's final conversation, along with other rare and never-before-translated interviews from throughout his long career. Marquez discusses his varied literary work and his controversial politics, and what emerges is a richer, deeper, more intimate portrait of this great writer than we've encountered before., Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of the most widely translated and beloved writers of his time, and yet, as this revelatory book shows, there were many sides of him that English-language readers do not know. This volume includes the first-ever English translation of Garcia Marquez's final conversation with Spanish journalist Xavi Ayen, along with other rare and never-before-translated interviews from throughout his long career. Garcia Marquez discusses his extraordinarily varied literary work and his often controversial politics, and what emerges is a richer, deeper, more intimate portrait of this great writer than we've encountered before. A new series of pocket-sized interview collections, featuring conversations with some of the iconic writers and thinkers of our time.

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