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Download book Paula S. Rothenberg - Race, Class, and Gender in the United States : An Integrated Study in PDF, FB2, TXT


Like no other text, this best-selling anthology effectively introduces students to the complexity of race, class, gender, and sexuality in the United States and illustrates how these categories operate and interact in society. The combination of thoughtfully selected readings, deftly written introductions, and careful organization make it the most engaging and balanced presentation of these issues available today.", This best-selling anthology effectively introduces students to the complexity of race, class, gender, and sexuality in the United States and illustrates how these categories operate and interact in society. The combination of thoughtfully selected readings, deftly written introductions, and careful organization make it the most engaging and balanced presentation of these issues available today.In "Race, Class, and Gender," Paula Rothenberg offers scholarly selections from authors such as Beverly Tatum, Michelle Alexander, Annette Lareau, and Jonathan Kozol, as well as historical documents like the Three-Fifths Compromise, firsthand narrative accounts of how these issues have affected the lives of individuals, and popular press pieces reporting on discrimination in everyday life.This thoroughly updated new edition considers such relevant topics as citizenship and immigration including the DREAM act and the DACA program, transgender identity, mass incarceration, the school to prison pipeline, the black lives matter movement and its founders, the pathology of poverty, socioeconomic privilege vs. racial privilege, food insecurity, the roots of the framework of intersectionality, Sex crimes on campus, pollution on tribal lands, stereotype threat, gentrification and more., This best-selling anthology expertly explores concepts of identity, diversity and inequality as it introduces students to race, class, gender, and sexuality in the United States. The thoroughly updated 10th edition features38 new readings. New material explores citizenship and immigration, mass incarceration, sex crimes on campus, transgender identity, the school to prison pipeline, food insecurity, the Black Lives Matter movement, the pathology of poverty, socioeconomic privilege vs. racial privilege, pollution on tribal lands, stereotype threat, gentrification and more. The combination of thoughtfully selected readings, deftly written introductions, and careful organization make "Race, Class, and Gender," 10th edition the most engaging and balanced presentation of these issues available today."

Race, Class, and Gender in the United States : An Integrated Study read book DJV, DOC

The proposed solution was to 'restore them to their primitive purity' through greater missionary endeavours., The American missionaries Eli Smith (180157) and Harrison Dwight (180362) travelled from Malta in 1830 to ascertain what could be done to further 'the revival and reformation of the Oriental churches in Armenia, Georgia, and Persia'.In Albania in particular, the postwar government invested heavily in public performances at home, effectively creating a new genre of popular music: the wildly popular light music.Ainsworth was the leader of the expedition, and his two-volume account was published in 1842.Nobody expected the liberation of India and birth of Pakistan to be so bloody -- it was supposed to be an answer to the dreams of Muslims and Hindus who had been ruled by the British for centuries.From Bali's fabled temples-with their elaborately carved statues and colorful painted panels-to the bustling village life surrounding them, this photographic journal provides a detailed look at a thriving culture that maintains its freshness and relevance in the modern world.It discusses what is 'new' about enterprise culture and how it relates to pre-existing ideas, and goes on to look at the processes and mechanisms through which enterprise culture is becoming entrenched, as well as how it affects different classes and communities.In a social moment when countless worthy causes and deserving groups clamor for attention, it is worth examining how our culture generates the exchange of sympathy commonly experienced as "charity." Acts of Conspicuous Compassion investigates the historical and continuing relationship between performance culture and the cultivation of charitable sentiment, exploring the distinctive practices that have evolved to make the plea for charity legible and compelling.A remarkably researched and engagingly written study, Audible States is a foundational text in this area and will be of great interest for music scholars and graduate students interested in popular music, sound studies, and politics of the Cold War.Can Confucianism be regarded as a civil religion for East Asia?Now, in celebration of its 125th anniversary, National Geographic has given TASCHEN complete access to its archives to distill the journey of a lifetime into three prodigious volumes featuring photographs--many unpublished--almost as rich, deep, and colorful as the world itself.Tawian is invaded, and the U.S.